Just in the short time that we have been aware of COVID-19, 220,000 people have fled their homes in Somalia. There was no sheltering at home options for them. Most fled to escape violence. Some were chased out by floods, and this swelled the numbers of internally displaced people in Somalia to 2.6 million.
Right now, ADRA (Adventist Develop and Relief Agency) is setting up hand-washing sites to reduce the spread of COVID-19 for around 186,000 individuals in Somali villages. Learn more and donate to their efforts to help others HERE.
Many refugees from Somalia have tried to make a home in Ethiopia, Kenya, Yemen, the United States, Sweden, and elsewhere. Not even 1 in a 100 of these refugees is a Christian. Why not find a Somali or other refugee living near you to see how you can help and share what you have learned about helping in their country? Perhaps together you can help a few more.