In many places there are now Baptists and Buddhists, Methodists and Muslims, Catholics and Copts, Jews, Jains, Hindus, Wiccans, and beyond.
Each person is extremely important to God. Many do not know Him. Many have a distorted understanding of His character and qualities.
How can we share Him with people of such diverse background?
I have found four simple but effective steps to share faith with people of other world religions in a caring and respectful way. Explore them here.
Four Steps to Witnessing to People of World Religions
Inspirational Quotes for These Steps
You can learn much and find many resources from six different Global Mission Study Centers. Discover training materials and Bible studies and pamphlets to share when you sign up to be a member. It is simple to do and very useful.
Come Search with Me. Watch apologist Dr. Subodh Pandit share his search to know what truth really is from his background where he was surrounded by Islam, Hinduism, and Christianity.
Learn all you can from these sites and training resources to grow in wisdom and courage.